Lower back pain on the left side: causes and treatment

Probably there is in the world of a man who at least once in his life felt pain in the back and lumbar area. According to the medical statistics, complaints of pain in the back, infections take the second place after respiratory virus in the world. Back pain can be caused by many factors: in the case of someone with these symptoms are associated with the congenital pathology, in the other hand, the consequence of any disease or injury. In any case, the man should not treat yourself, because this could lead to a deterioration in the condition and the development of severe complications

In General, pain in the lower back on the left side is most common in people in the advanced or in the retirement age, but in the last few years this pathology has a tendency to rejuvenation, has, now, not uncommon for a younger patient with complaints of pain in the back. What causes back pain? We consider these factors in Detail.

Back pain

Causes for lower back pain on the left side

The causes of back pain on the left side are:

  • Muscle diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs and Retroperitoneum;
  • Inflammation of the nerve roots of the spinal cord;
  • Personal injury and damage to the lumbar spine;
  • Curvature of the spine;
  • Faults in posture;
  • Pregnancy.

The Disease

Pain in the lumbar area on the left side of a different nature and origin. The clinical picture is largely dependent on the cause of the pain. In inflammatory diseases of the kidney pain dull or pain can wear character, interfere with the patient constantly or sporadically. In Nephrolithiasis, the character of pain in acute acquires paroxysmally radiating to the perineum and urinary organs.

Pain in the lumbar area on the left side of the Signal on the inflammation of the ovaries in the woman, or the first Symptom of a developing ectopic pregnancy. In the latter case, the pain will be amplified and broadcast into the area of the genitals, Anus, Perineum.

In the case of inflammation of the nerve roots of the spinal cord lumbar spine back pain on the left side can be sporadic, under the influence of certain factors:

  • Under cooling;
  • abrupt change in the Position of the body;
  • Weight lifting;
  • Stress.
Symptoms Pain

Usually, the Patient has severe pain felt in the area of the hip shot character, sometimes the Patient can not straighten up once more, therefore, the forced posture will take.

Pain with the lumbar area on the left-hand side occur in pregnant women with increasing duration of pregnancy and the growth of the abdomen. The growing uterus displaces the internal organs and increases the load on the lumbar spine, of which a woman could be upset, nagging and aching pain in the back area. Important: if the pain episodic character and charisma are sensations in the sacrum and perineum, as quickly as possible to a lady doctor, as these symptoms can indicate the threat of miscarriage or premature birth.

Diagnosis of pain in the lower back on the left side

In order to decide in which way pain is treated in the lower back on the left side, must be encompassed by one skilled in the art to accurately identify the cause of the pain, for these patients, a comprehensive examination of the body assigned to:

  • Urine Tests (General and samples) – it detects the pathology on the part of organs of the urinary outflow;
  • the analysis of a blood (the General and biochemistry);
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs and Retroperitoneum;
  • Urography with contrast;
  • Cystoscopy;
  • X-ray;
  • MRI and ct;
  • Advice of specialists – orthopedists, neurologists, surgeons.


The treatment of pain in the lower back on the left hand side largely depends on the cause of its formation:

Causes for pain in the back
  • In the determination of the inflammatory process gynecological area of women supervision of gynecologists and antibiotic shown. The drug is according to the differentiation of the pathogen.
  • In the identification of Pyelonephritis and other inflammatory diseases of the mochevivedeniya patients to prescribe a course of antibiotics, excessive drinking, and in some cases, diuretics, Multivitamin complexes. The Patient has a diet with little salt and spices.
  • In the case of back-to exclude the beginning of the work and adjust-pain in pregnant mode of work and rest. To reduce the load on the lumbar spine, it is recommended to wear a special Bandage and place it under the area of loin pillow or cushion.
  • In the determination of the sciatica or aggravation of osteochondrosis non-steroidal anti shows the course of the treatment-inflammatory drugs and bed rest until resolution of the acute process. Patients are advised not to lift weights and not cool.

As the acute inflammation with osteochondrosis and radiculitis massage prescribe, physical therapy and manual therapy.

It is important to understand that pain in the lower back on the left side of serious diseases of internal organs, require immediate medical attention, so that self-healing is strictly prohibited! Apply recipes of traditional medicine for pain in the lower back, but only after diagnosis by a specialist and with the consent of the doctor.